Total number of claims
[Re-examined (CLREEXAM)
human origin (CLMHUMN)
non human mammalian (CLMNONH)
other vertebrate (CLMOVET)
invertebrate other than yeast,
fungi, protist (CLMINVO)
yeast, fungi, protist (CLMYST)
viral or bacterial (CLMVIR)
Archaea (CLMARC)
synthetic DNA or RNA; polynucleotides
fused (chimeric) gene, codon
substitutions, mutated gene, etc. (CLMFUSD)
fragment or partial sequence,
or prokaryotic gene fragment (CLMFRAG)
full length or prokaryotic gene
entire sequence disclosed in
patent application? (CLMDISC)
promoter, enhancer, operon or
other regulatory sequence(s) (CLMPROM)
antisense (CLMANT)
ribozyme, mRNA, rRNA, or other
RNA-based reagent or gene product (CLMRIBO)
genomic DNA (for eukaryotes only)
half or more of an organism's
genome (CLMHALF)
DNA or RNA detection method (CLDETMET)
diagnostic process (DETDIAG)
probe or marker (DETPROB)
sequence disclosed (entire probe
or PCR primers) (DETDISC)
kit or multi-component system
DNA forensics (DETFORN)
cloning, expression, or sequencing
vector (CLCLEXP)
cell line or microbial strain
vector for gene transfer into
mammalian genomes (CLVECTG)
vector for human gene therapy
gene transfer process (CLGENTR)
human gene therapy process (CLHUMTP)
transgenic animal (CLTRANS)
production method (CLPRODM)
protein/peptide (CLPTPEP)
vaccine (CLVACC)
human (CLHUMAN)
veterinary or other (CLVETOT)
vaccination process or
immune augmentation (CLVACIM)
therapeutic process (CLTHERP)
research method involving DNA
pharmaceutical composition not
specified above (CLPHCOMP)
other claims: (CLOTHER)